"Enhancing the London Dhobi Community and other communities in all social, religious, cultural and educational areas"
Firstly, may I thank everyone who paid their 2018 subscriptions.
The annual subscription for 2019 was due on 1st January. Please arrange to remit your subscription by 15th June 2019, prompt payment will save the Samaj monies in chasing subscription and allow the executive committee to allocate our time towards organising events.
The annual Subscription for each family member is £7.00 or £25.00 per household of 4 or more members (single postal address only). The subscription applies to anyone aged 16 and over. Students in full-time education aged 16 to 19 are exempt, as are retired persons in the family. Please ensure you pay the correct amount for the year.
Payment can now be made via the online or telephone banking services, the samaj account number is 27219708 and the sort code is 090152
* Please use your membership ID number so that we are able to track your payment*
Thank you for your continued support
Yours sincerely
Sachin Vaghela
Honorary Treasurer
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